Clans of Birch Forest

Clan of Shadows

This is where murderous cats go when they die, when they are not accepted by Moonclan. All cats, even Moonclan itself, fear the Clan of Shadows. It has been told that certain cats of this clan have been able to suck the souls out of the living, when moons ago, a witness saw their clanmate die, no cat around, no blood, all in one heart-beat. Thats when the witness heard a harsh, cruel voice, laughing cruelly. That's when the Clan of Shadows was discovered.


This tom cat was sent to the Clan of Shadows long ago, when the founders of
the four clans existed. He fought to be leader, killing endless kits, queens, warriors, 
and all sorts of cats with no pity. He roams alone in the shadow of Birch Forest, which 
is where he lives now. He was once furious that his son and daughter refused
to follow his ambition, and kill to get their way, so he killed his daughter in
cold blood, sucking her soul out of her. He was astonished that he could use this power, let alone
go into the real world. In his mind he thinks that some force let him, but he has no proof. All he
knows is that is that force helped him once, it would help him again. He is the leader of the Clan of
Shadows, but rarely sees them, not even sleeps with his own cats. But all his cats respect him.....
that is, until more cats join him, the shadows of the souls he consumed.....



 This tom cat was the most high-ranking Warrior of Darkclan, even thought he youngest. He had many allies, before anyone knew who commmitted the mysterious death of a kit. After some moons, the rest
of the clan discovered that Sparktalon was a murderer. He loved a she-cat named Fernfeather, and

so did she. But when the clan and his mate found out what he did to the kit, she refused to talk to him. This made Sparktalon angry
and miserable. He went mad after hearing that Ferntalon would become a medicine cat, and as he went completely insane, he killed his mate without thinking. After that, he stole his two kits, Swallowkit and her brother, Thornkit. He took them deep into the forest, but after a moon, his mind came back. He realized what he had done, and they say he cried endlessly for five days and five nights, as they heard wails of sadness through the forest, especially during the night. After those five days and nights, Sparktalon couldn't take it any longer.
He ran onto the Thunderpath, willing to die, leaving the kits alone. No one knows where the kits are now, but they found his body
on the Thunderpath, his blood everywhere. when they took his body to be thrown in The Gorge,
a clear spot in the blood-stain was in the form of where Sparktalon; it looked as if he were in the midst of
battle, arched on his hind-quarters. Since this time, that mark has been feared by all the clans, as
they believed that his spirit still haunts them......

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