Clans of Birch Forest


On this page you can see events that are happening. You can win awards or get special offers (like creating a story for cats to follow along on this site or be in a prophecy, maybe even a freebee to becoming a warrior or an apprentice. Other options are a surprise)! All you have to do is to choose any event and try it out!
P.S. There might be more than one of the same types of events, like more than one 'Secret Code' events.
When one can completes an event, that event will be erased, so try to be the first one to complete it!

Secret Code #2

Figure out the secret code: It might be hard but keep trying!
The message was created by (on a MacBook Pro laptop) holding down alt while typing.
The four lines are seperate sentences.
(There is NO punctuation in the message.)
To get the full prize you must complete the whole task. If you cannot figure it out or give up, try to figure out as much as you can and you could still get a reward.
When submitting your answer you must put your specific cat name in.
The winner will be announced on April 5th.

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    Your answer: